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Our Lady of the Woods

Chronological arrangement of Scripture in 365 daily readings.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Ex. 23:4 - 5; Deut. 22:1 - 4, 8 (Care for Neighbor's goods)
Ex. 23:6 - 7; Lev. 19:14 - 15, 37; Deut. 16:18 - 20 (Justice)
Ex. 23:8 (Bribes)
Deut. 20:1 - 20 (Laws relating to War)
Deut. 21:10 - 14 (Marrying Women taken captive in war)
Deut. 23:8 - 14 (The Army Camp)
Deut. 24:5 (Newlyweds)
Num. 5:11 - 31 (A Suspicious Husband)
Deut. 22:13 - 21 (When a Husband Accuses His Wife)
Deut. 24:1 - 4 (Laws about Divorce)
Deut. 25:11 - 12 (When Two Men Fight)
Deut. 22:5 (Pretending to be the Opposite Sex)
Deut. 17:8 - 13; 18:9 (Counsel)
Deut. 21:1 - 9 (Unsolved Murder)
Deut. 21:15 - 17 (Rights of First Born Son)
Deut. 21:18 - 21 (A Son who Rebels)
Deut. 21:22 - 23 (Body of a Criminal)
Deut. 22:6 - 7 (Don't Kill a Mother Bird)
Lev. 19:19; Deut. 22:9 - 12 (Laws agains mixing different thing together)
Deut. 23:15 - 17 (Runaway Slaves from other countries)
Deut. 24:7 (Kidnapping)
Deut. 24:16 (Substitutionary Atonement Prohibited)
Deut. 23:18 (Temple Prostitutes)
Deut. 25:1 - 3 (Whipping as punishment for a crime)
Deut. 25:4 (Don't Muzzle an Ox)
Deut. 25:5 - 10 (A Son for a Dead Brother)
Lev. 19:27 - 28 (Disfiguring the Body)
Deut. 14:1 - 2

Deut. 17:14 - 20 (Prophecy of the King)
Deut. 18:14 - 22 (A Prophet Like Moses)

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Miscellaneous Laws

Ex. 22:24 - 26 (Loans)
Ex. 22:20 - 23; 23:9; Lev. 19:33 - 34; 24:22; Deut. 10:19 - 22(Foreigners/Aliens)
Ex. 23:3; Lev. 23:22; Deut. 10: 18; 24:17 - 22 (Poor, Widow, & Orphan)
Lev. 19:32 (Aged)
Deut. 26:1 - 15 (Tithes)
Deut. 7:6 - 11 (The Lord's Chosen)
Deut. 8:1 - 9 (The Lord's Care)
Deut. 10:12 - 17 (What the Lord Wants)
Deut. 23:1 - 7 (Who Can't Become One of the Lord's People)
Deut. 26:16 - 19 (The Lord is Ours, and We are His)
Lev. 27:1 - 25; Num. 30:1 - 17; Deut. 23:22 - 23 (Vows/Sacred Promises to the Lord)
Num. 6:1 - 21 (Nazarite Vow: Law of the Nazarites)

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Lev. 20:1 - 8; 22 - 26 (Penalties for Disobedience)
Lev. 26:14 - 46 (Punishment for Disobeying)
Deut. 28:15 - 44 (Curses for Disobeying)

Monday, July 18, 2005

Blessings & Curses

Ex. 23:20 - 33; Deut. 7:12 - 26 (Promise & a Warning)
Lev. 26:3 - 13 (Blessings for Obeying the Lord)
Num. 6:22 - 27 (Blessings for the People)
Deut. 11:1 - 32; 28:1 - 14 (Blessings & Curses)

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Lev. 17:1 - 9 (Where to offer Sacrifice)
Lev. 22:17 - 33 (Acceptable Sacrifices)
Num. 28:9 - 10 (Sacrifices on the Sabbath)
Num. 28:11 - 15 (Sacrifices on the First Day of the Month)
Num. 15:1 - 21 (Secondary Offerings)
Ex. 23:18; 34:25; Lev. 27:26 - 34; Deut. 15:19 - 23 (Restrictions: Various Offerings)

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Lev. 4:1 - 2 (Sacrifices for Sin)
Lev. 2:1 - 16; 6:7 - 23; 7:9 - 10 (Sacrifices for Sin Offerings: Cereal)
Num. 15:22 - 31 (Communal Sin Offerings/Community)
Lev. 4:13 - 21 (When the Whole Nation Sins/Communal)
Lev. 5:14 - 19; 7:1 - 8 (Guilt Offering: Animals)
Lev. 4:3 - 12 (When the High Priest Sins)
Lev. 4:22 - 26 (When a Leader Sins)
Lev. 4:27 - 5:13 (When Ordinary People Sin)
Lev. 6:1 - 6 (Ritual for Holocausts)
Num. 5:5 - 10 (Other Sins That Need Sacrifice or Payment)
Num. 19:1 - 10 (Ceremony to Wash Away Sin: Red Heifer)

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Lev. 7:37 - 38 (Various Sacrifices)
Num. 18:8 - 20 (The Priest's share of the sacrifice)
Ex. 29:38 - 46; Num. 28:1 - 8 (Daily Sacrifice)
Lev. 1:1 - 17 (Sacrifices that please the Lord: Animal Offerings)
Lev. 3:1 - 17; 7:11 - 36 (Sacrifices: Petition for Peace Offering/Votive, or Free Will Offering)

Monday, July 11, 2005

Clothes for the Priest

Ex. 28:1 - 14; 39:1 - 7 (Clothes for the High Priest)
Ex. 28:15 - 30; 39:8 - 21 (Breastplate for the High Priest)
Ex. 28:31 - 39; 39:22 - 31 (Other High Priestly garments)
Ex. 28:40 - 43 (Clothes for other Priests)
Num. 15:37 - 41 (Tassels on the cloak)

Friday, July 08, 2005

Duties of the Priest

Num. 3:5 - 13 (Aaron & the Levites)
Deut. 10:8 - 9 (Levites appointed to carry the Tabernacle)
Num. 3:40 - 51 (Levites accepted as substitute for the First Born)
Lev. 21:1 - 24 (Instructions for Priests)
Num. 18:1 - 7 (Duties of the Priests and Levites)
Num. 18:21 - 24 (What the Levites receive)
Num. 18:25 - 32 (What the Levites must give)
Num. 4:1 - 20 (Duties of the Kohathite Clans)
Num. 4:21 - 28 (Duties of the Girshite Clans)
Num. 4:29 - 33 (Duties of the Merarite Clans)

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Ordaining Priests

Num. 8:5 - 26 (Instructions for Ordaining Levites)
Ex. 29:1 - 37; Lev. 8:1 - 36 (Instructions for Ordaining other Priests)
Deut. 18:1 - 8 (Portion for Priests and Levites)

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Ex. 30:11 - 16 (Money for the Sacred Tent)
Ex. 31:1 - 11; 35:26 - 36:7 (Artisans)
Num. 7:1 - 88 (Leaders bring gifts to the Sacred Tent)
Ex. 35:20 - 25 (Gifts for the Lord)